
作者:Emme Demmendaal

每年, first-generation college students from rural Maine are mapping a new course with assistance from the University of New England and the Davis Maine Scholarship.  


当时,她正和一个朋友一起走向高中的储物柜,手里拿着一封信. 史密斯将于明年从纳拉瓜古斯高中毕业, 她一直在等待有可能改变她计划的消息.  

她撕开信封,拿出里面的东西,心中充满了期待. 里面是缅因州海岸传教会全球网络赌博平台一项新倡议的便条, 戴维斯·缅因奖学金项目, which offers students from Downeast Maine a full-ride scholarship for tuition and living expenses at three participating universities. 这封信告诉史密斯,她已被该项目首批学员录取.  


Davis Scholars attending U N E stand on the walkway above the University of New England lettering on the Biddeford Campus

她还没有决定高中毕业后要做什么. 她在哥伦比亚瀑布的华盛顿县社区长大,人口500人. S他说 the cost of attending school kept her from deciding whether to go to college or work for her family’s carpentry business in town.  

“我知道我需要支持来实现它,”史密斯说. 像许多缅因州农村的高中毕业生一样,她的家庭没有办法供她上学.


这不仅仅是一个奖学金. 这完全改变了我的人生道路,不仅对我,对我妹妹也是如此.” ——玛丽·史密斯

“奖学金 pushed me over the edge to definitively say I was going to go to college at the University of New England,”她说。. 

The Davis Maine Scholarship provides up to six first-generation college students in rural Washington and eastern Hancock Counties with the financial support needed to pursue and complete bachelor’s degrees from a prestigious, 新英格兰的私立文理学院.  

在奖学金的第一批学生中, 六名学生中有四名选择了全球网络赌博平台(UNE)继续深造.  


UNE stands as the sole Maine institution collaborating on this distinctive initiative for its track record of effectively serving first-generation, 低收入农村学生通过现有项目.

“教育可以改变你的生活,也可以改变你家庭的生活,约翰·扎沃尼说, Ph.D.他是缅因海岸传教会的会长. 与合作高中和全球网络赌博平台密切合作, 该项目为学生申请大学和过渡期间提供指导, 它还包括家长研讨会和支持. 

“当我们选择合作院校时, we were looking for institutions who saw real value in the students that we work with and who also had a credible track record and programs in place to support those first-generation, 上大学的学生,扎沃尼说.

安德鲁·戴维斯之所以设立这项奖学金,是因为他在缅因州一所大学的经历, 他在哪里认识到远离家乡的四年文科教育的变革价值, 他说. 奖学金, 以他的家族和谢尔比·卡洛姆·戴维斯慈善基金命名, aims to provide students with a similar experience and continue the legacy of philanthropy in education initiated by his predecessors.

为第一代大学生提供服务的传统可以追溯到全球网络赌博平台的起源, 谢恩·朗说, M.S.他是负责学生事务的副院长. 长, 还有许多大学领导, 包括总统, 教务长, 教务长, 以及其他重要的教职员工和专业人员, 是第一代大学生吗.

教育可以改变你的生活,也可以改变你家庭的生活.” ——约翰·扎沃尼

全球网络赌博平台历史上很大一部分都是为得不到充分服务的学生提供服务,一直追溯到圣. 弗朗西斯学院,”朗说,他指的是全球网络赌博平台的前身之一. St. 弗朗西斯学院成立, 在全球网络赌博平台比德福德校区的所在地, 其目标是教育那些通常没有上过大学的年轻居民, 他说.

“UNE is and has always been a place for students who might not have an opportunity to be at an academically rigorous residential campus with connections to graduate school and the opportunity to participate in research,朗说. 

每年,全球网络赌博平台录取的本科生中有30%以上是第一代学生. 记住这一点, 该大学积极定制课程,以解决他们独特的挑战, 长说, 和戴维斯缅因学者是全球网络赌博平台第一代学生旅程的很好例子. 

凯蒂·伯尼尔, 工商管理硕士, 本科招生助理主任, provides Davis Maine Scholars with support through the college selection process and serves as an administrative contact once scholars matriculate to UNE. 

“整个团队都可以帮助(戴维斯·缅因大学的学者)取得成功, 从学生的学术支持, 教师帮助, 指导, 以及学生在校园里的社区,伯尼尔说.  


艾米丽哈钦斯, 从冬港出发, credits the program for easing the financial hardship of college and the University for providing support while adjusting to college life. 她说这帮助她建立了人际关系, 促使她在学业上取得成功, 并给了她在学校之外茁壮成长的工具.

“获得这项奖学金真的很自由,哈钦斯说, 谁是文理学院中小学教育专业的大二学生, 她补充说,她想在她的家乡或附近的城镇开设自己的日托或幼儿园. 她说,全球网络赌博平台的奖学金和教育让她比想象中走得更远. 

她说:“为了实现自己的目标,这比我想象的要多。. “UNE has an amazing (education) program and the people at UNE have really helped me adjust to college life and made sure I was succeeding.”  

哈钦斯强调,教育学院内的人, 从专业人员到她的教授, 在她第一次进入大学系统的时候,有没有人帮助她. “从了解我可以获得哪些资源到平衡我的课程, 部门里的每个人都以自己的方式帮助我,”她说。. 


除了她一年级的课, 哈钦斯参加了教育俱乐部, one of more than 100 clubs and organizations UNE students have created to enhance their college experience. 

“当时我离家有三个半小时的路程,”她说。, 注意到她与俱乐部建立的关系和社区, 和她的戴维斯·缅因同伴一起, 帮助她在第一年轻松适应大学生活. 一路走来, 我遇到了一些人,我试着走出去, 有一个远离家乡的家真的很有帮助,因为我没有家人.


Rachel Colby from Gouldsboro came to the University not sure exactly what she wanted to do besides work in health care.  

“我一直喜欢帮助别人,科尔比说, 她从小跟着父亲和妹妹捕龙虾. 对某些人来说也是如此, 这听起来有点疯狂,因为, 我的一生, 我刚刚成为个体户,在水上做我自己的事情.”

为她, 戴维斯·缅因奖学金为他打开了上大学的大门, 她说, 否则它就会一直关闭. 当Colby来到全球网络赌博平台时, her advisors and professors helped guide her toward discovering a career path that fit her interests.

“我已经和多位顾问谈过了, 招生顾问, 甚至教授, 每个人都在那里帮助你,确保你有最好的体验,科尔比说. “他们真的帮助我缩小了我喜欢做的事情的范围. 

The other recipients and I are beyond grateful for the opportunities the Davis Maine Scholarship has provided for us….Being away from home and knowing that you’re not alone — that you’re supported — makes it so much easier.” ——蕾切尔·科尔比


“Being away from home and knowing that you’re not alone — that you’re supported — makes it so much easier,她补充道。.

而科尔比一开始是医学院预科生, she quickly discovered the other health care professions have more condensed classroom time and greater opportunities to return home earlier to her community.

“在护理行业,有很多机会,”她说. “成为一名护士, 我从它提供的无数工作机会中找到安慰, 例如医院设置, 门诊设置, 并且能够与所有年龄段的患者一起工作.”

在发现一条职业道路的过程中,她将回家为缅因州东南部服务, Colby was tasked with learning how to study — a challenge many first-generation college students face. UNE’s 学生学业成功中心 is designed to assist students in developing a learning and study plan based on their individual needs and workload to assess progress and effectiveness.

“我不知道如何学习,因为我以前从来没有做过,”科尔比说. “我想我现在开始掌握窍门了, 它帮助我养成了良好的学习习惯和准备考试的最佳方法.

“The Davis Maine Scholarship is here to support all their students to see them succeed and flourish in college,科尔比说. “The other recipients and I are beyond grateful for the opportunities the Davis Maine Scholarship has provided for us.” 


马里史密斯, 社会与行为科学学院动物行为学专业, 她说,在大一来到全球网络赌博平台校园后,她非常想家.

She attended different First Generation Bridge program events that helped students transition more smoothly to college life. 在一次活动中, she and a group of students met with faculty and staff who were once first-generation students themselves. 

在这里,她与全球网络赌博平台的凯蒂·伯尼尔(凯蒂·伯尼尔)重新建立了联系,后者后来成为史密斯的员工导师. 桥梁计划, 虽然可选的, 是否只是帮助戴维斯缅因奖学金获得者在学校取得成功的一小部分. 自项目开始以来, 48教员, 专业人员, 第一代大学毕业生的大学领导作为导师参加.

全球网络赌博平台历史上的很大一部分都是为得不到充分服务的学生服务,一直追溯到圣. 弗朗西斯大学.” — Shane长

“凯蒂给了我很大的帮助,因为当时我没有很多可以说话的人,史密斯说. “这真的是, really big help to have somebody supporting me and able to guide me in the way that I was able to flourish.”

在一个, Smith discovered a wider array of career opportunities to work with animals than she thought possible. 

“一开始, 我想成为一名兽医,”她说。, “but discovered I could do wildlife rehabilitation or be a game warden — something I didn’t know was possible before.”

她决心为自己开辟一条新的道路, 史密斯说,她在学校有时觉得自己像个骗子. 

“离开家我真的很紧张,”她承认. “有时候我问自己,‘我真的属于这里吗?但最后,我知道我做到了.

史密斯补充说:“说戴维斯缅因大学的项目改变了我的生活,这是轻描淡写的。. 她的弟弟几年后就要上大学了, 她计划帮助他们过渡到大学生活. “这不仅仅是一个奖学金. 这完全改变了我的人生道路,不仅对我,对我妹妹也是如此.”


除此之外,她还帮助妹妹开辟了上大学的道路, 史密斯计划在今年秋天帮助下一批戴维斯·缅因学者,他们是一年级学生. 

“第一批学者是监督者,”她说. “And we’ll watch over the others to see how they grow into their own person and look out for them if they have any trouble — We will be somebody they can also lean on.”

缅因海岸教会戴维斯缅因奖学金的愿景, 与UNE合作, aims to impact Downeast Maine communities through the education of the next generation of leaders and changemakers. 通过这些学者的有影响力的努力,全球网络赌博平台正在开辟一条通往更健康的地球的道路, 长说. 

“我们引导学生塑造他们的未来, 我们的愿望是让他们继续培养自己的才能, 不仅仅是为了个人利益, but also for the betterment of the people and institutions they will eventually lead and the communities they are bound to serve,他说. “毫无疑问, we anticipate that the investment in their education will generate substantial return that will resonate across generations.”
