
The 3Rs of the “waste hierarchy” (reduce, reuse, 回收)是如此有序,因为当我们首先减少消耗时,对减少废物的影响最大, reduce waste further through reuse, 储备回收是处理资源管理和稀缺性的最后一步. 新墨西哥州立大学的回收计划代表了所有大学可持续发展倡议的根源.

A student placing compost into a compost dropoff bin

目前,大学每年处理约561吨废物. Roughly 21% of this waste is recycled. While this is a good start, 大学社区有能力提高这一回收率, 我们期待与校园团体合作实现这一目标. 环境委员会和校园服务支持这个项目, 可持续发展办公室与新能源大学的废物搬运工和Ecomaine密切合作,通过2009年采用的单一分类回收计划,尽可能多地回收材料.

Explore ways to get involved in UNE’s recycling program 通过勤工俭学的职位,公民时间,或志愿服务或加入 Environmental Council or Earth’s E.C.O.

Recycling Details (FY '22)

Click image to enlarge

Single Sort Recycling Systems at UNE

新能源大学致力于减少对环境的负面影响,并明智地管理其资源. To encourage everyone to participate in this goal, 2009年,两个校区都全面实施了单类回收计划. Single-sort systems imply that most materials — paper, glass, metal, and plastic can all go in one bin. 两个校区都战略性地设置了回收站,以确保回收是一个简单的废物处理选择.

Color-Coded Bins

回收计划的一个重要特点是用不同颜色编码的垃圾箱. The system includes a green bin for single-sort recycling, 一个蓝色的垃圾箱,用来放可回收的瓶子和易拉罐(有5美分押金的容器), and a gray bin for non-recyclable trash. 垃圾桶上方的墙上和容器盖上的标志提供了每个垃圾桶中废物的信息,以确保每个人都能成功地帮助全球网络赌博平台实现其环境目标.

What Goes in the Blue Bin?
Recycling icon for cans and bottles
Returnables: Bottles and Cans Labeled "ME 5 cents"


What Goes in the Green Bin?
Recycling icon for paper, plastic, glass, and metal
Recycling: Paper, Plastic, Glass, and Metal
Recyclable Materials
  •  Paper
  •  Pizza Boxes
  •  Magazines
  •  Books
  •  Cardboard (break down large boxes)
  •  Junk Mail
  •  Window Envelopes
  • File Folders
  • Milk Cartons/Jugs
  • Juice Boxes
  • #1-7 Plastic Containers
  • Foil
  • Metal Cans
  • Glass Bottles/Jars (empty, unbroken)
  • Empty Aerosol Cans
What Goes in the Gray Bin?
Recycling icon for food scraps
Waste: Non-recyclable Waste and Food Scraps
Waste Materials
  • Food
  • Bubble warp
  • Plastic wrap
  • Snack bags
  • Styrofoam
  • Paper towels
  • Napkins
  • Tissues
  • Straws

Recycling FAQ

What is single-sort recycling?

单分类回收是全球网络赌博平台采用的一种系统,它使我们比以往任何时候都能回收更多的垃圾. You can put paper, glass, metal, and plastics in one bin. 查看可以放入绿色单分类回收箱的完整清单

If everything recyclable can go in the single-sort bins, why is there a separate bin for returnable bottles and cans?

这所大学正在将瓶子和罐子产生的收入投入到回收项目中. Those 5 cents may not seem like a lot, 但它们加在一起,确保我们能够尽可能地保持废物处理的环保性.

What are the benefits of single-sort recycling?

Single-sort recycling saves time. 校园里产生的大部分垃圾都是可回收的, 有助减少新大学的废物及减少我们的碳足迹. For information on your personal carbon footprint, visit The Nature Conservancy's Carbon Footprint Calculator.

Is there anything that can’t go in single-sort recycling?

Light bulbs, hypodermic needles, sharp objects, bubble wrap, food, styrofoam packaging and peanuts, food bags, diapers, potato chip bags, 其他不可回收的垃圾不能进行单分类回收. View the full list of what can go in the green recycling bins

Can I bag my recyclables?

No. Only shredded paper should be bagged. Ecomaine的分拣设备会被一袋袋的可回收物堵塞. 装满的塑料袋被认为是垃圾,会被扔进垃圾箱. 当可回收材料被倾倒在回收中心的地板上并用挂钩拉出并直接带到纸张回收站时,透明塑料袋中的碎纸被识别出来.

Where do I recycle cardboard?

瓦楞纸板可以在任何标有“仅限纸板”的垃圾箱中回收." On the Portland Campus, 亚历山大大厅和布莱维特大厅后面都有纸板垃圾箱. 在比德福德校区,香普兰大厅附近有纸板垃圾箱, behind the Campus Center, past Sokokis Hall near the compactor, in the lower Morgane Hall parking lot, behind Facilities Management by the mailroom, behind Decary Hall, and behind Stella Maris Hall.

What do I do with my fluorescent light bulbs?

因为荧光灯泡含有汞,所以校园里的所有荧光灯泡都必须回收. 永远不要把荧光灯扔进垃圾桶或垃圾箱.

通常,校园内的萤光灯泡会由设施管理处更换。. FM has fluorescent bulb accumulation points on each campus. When they change your bulb, they save the bulbs for recycling.

To have fluorescent bulbs picked up for recycling, or to report abandoned fluorescent bulbs, call Facilities Management at x2368.


If you are a faculty or staff member, 你可以向客房部申请工作订单,让他们给你拿一个桌子边的回收箱. Even though the color is blue, 这些桌子边的回收箱应该倒进最近的绿色回收站.

What if my personal, desk recycling bin is full?

Since we encourage everyone to participate in the program, 因为我们经常在无意中寻找扔进回收箱的东西, 我们希望你自己倒空办公室的回收箱,而不是让我们的清洁工来做. Just bring it to the nearest large green toter on wheels; there's one on every floor of every building. Thank you for participating.

How often are the recycling bins emptied?

UNE's housekeeping staff consolidates the tall, 每天从地区回收站将薄箱放入较大的轮子上. 我们的回收工作人员将这些摇摇晃晃的东西运到压实机,在那里它们被清空. There is a toter recycling route established. High-traffic areas are emptied every workday. 宿舍每周清空两次,一些办公室和学术区域每周清空一次. However, 如果您注意到回收箱已满(或将很快满),请通过拨打ext让我们知道. 2368.

What if the recycling bin in my residence hall is full?

Ask your RA to place a work order. Recycling staff will then empty the bin as soon as possible.


Placing a work order is the fastest way to have a bin emptied, 这是我们追踪特定区域频率需求的最好方法.

I have seen recycling bins being emptied into the trash. Why?

This happens when people contaminate recyclables with trash. Ecomaine将拒绝接受大量受污染的可回收物. Please help us keep trash out of the recycling bins.

How do I recycle shredded documents?

Please keep shredded documents in a plastic bag. 塑料袋保证了薄纸片的正确处理. If your shredded paper is not in a plastic bag, 它不能回收,可能会污染可回收材料的垃圾箱. 将装有碎纸的塑料袋放入绿色的单类回收箱. 在运输和回收设施中,把它弄得一团糟.

How can I find out if my plastic container is recyclable?

编号为1-7的塑料可在绿色单分类箱中回收. On the bottom of most plastic containers, 有一个三角形的符号(看起来很像回收符号). 三角形内的数字是制造容器所用塑料的数量.

Unfortunately, if there is no number, there is no way to identify the type of plastic, and it cannot be recycled using our system.


可回收塑料如果是刚性的(而不是易碎的),则进一步加以识别, like plastic wrap) and larger than a Post-It note. Plastic lids, straws, 餐具小到足以掉入分拣机器,最终落在回收设施的地板上, so just put it in the trash bin for disposal. 


要知道瓶子或罐头是否可以退货,请在容器中搜索“ME”.“它通常位于瓶子标签上的条形码附近,并印在易拉罐顶部. Returnable, or redeemable, 瓶子和易拉罐应该放在蓝色的“只允许回收的瓶子和易拉罐”垃圾桶里.


UNE将回收瓶子和易拉罐所得的资金用于再投资回收项目. 校园里蓝色回收箱里的任何瓶子和罐子都被认为是学校的财产. 以这种方式对资金进行再投资,使回收项目在财务上更具可持续性, as well as environmentally sustainable.

Can I recycle beverage straws, lids, and caps? What about plastic utensils?

While these items can be placed in the single-sort bins, they are too small for Ecomaine’s equipment to salvage; they'll literally fall through the cracks. 它们最终会成为回收设施的垃圾,应该在可能的情况下进行分类并放入垃圾桶. It is not considered a contaminant, however.

Can I recycle my pizza boxes?

Yes. Pizza boxes can be placed in the green single-sort bins. 它们甚至可以有一些油和一点奶酪粘在上面. 但是,在回收之前,请清除所有的比萨饼皮,比萨饼块和大块的浇头.

Can I recycle waxed paper or cardboard?

Unfortunately, wax is not recyclable. 然而,在现代产品中,“蜡”涂层实际上往往是一层薄薄的塑料. 要知道你的产品是否打蜡,用指甲轻轻刮一下. 如果指甲下面的涂层脱落了,那就是打过蜡的,不能回收. If it is plastic coated, 它可以被回收利用,因为回收过程会把纸和塑料层分开.

Where does my recycling go? How does it get there?

每周三早上,废物管理人员会来到波特兰校区,将65加仑的垃圾车清空到一辆只用于回收的卡车上. The material is taken to Ecomaine in Portland. On the Biddeford Campus, 我们的回收工作人员将绿色垃圾送到位于Sokokis大厅外或Ripich Commons的压实机. When the compactors are full, 废物管理部门接到通知,他们把材料送到波特兰的Ecomaine.


2007年,全球网络赌博平台开始了“SWOOP日”活动,这是在搬家周期间的一次募捐活动. 该计划演变为与Goodwill的合作伙伴关系,以收集捐赠. 有轮子的蓝色大箱子被放置在六个宿舍(Champlain Hall休息室), East Hall commuter lounge, Avila Hall mailroom, Featherman Hall lobby, Assisi Hall lounge, 和Sokokis大厅休息室),所有住宿学生都可以使用. Students can place gently used clothes, furniture, small appliances, decorations, 以及垃圾箱里的家居用品,Goodwill会把它们卖给他们的许多社区项目. 未开封的不易腐烂的食物也可以收集在蓝色的箱子里, Goodwill将把这些食物转交给好牧人食品银行.


Approximate tons of waste UNE recycles annually


Percentage of UNE’s annual waste that gets recycled


gallons of food waste composted by UNE in 2022


Portland Campus

Kitchen and Dining Hall Composting

东北咖啡馆自2012年以来一直在堆肥厨房食物残渣. Kitchen preparation food scraps are composted, 用餐者被要求将垃圾分类到三个垃圾桶中:垃圾, recycling, and compost. Anything that was ever alive can be thrown in the compost; this includes napkins, food scraps, and compostable service ware, such as the to-go containers and paper coffee cups.

Biddeford Campus

Kitchen Composting

2017年1月,食堂厨房开始堆肥食物残渣. 垃圾到花园将食物垃圾运送到戈勒姆的本森农场,在那里进行堆肥. 在项目的第一学期,超过16000加仑的食物垃圾被制成了堆肥. Prior to 2017, 比德福德校区食堂厨房里的剩饭剩菜被送到了当地的养猪户那里.

Residential Hall Composting

2017年秋季学期,比德福德校区为学生推出了一项住宅堆肥计划. There is no fee for residential students, 会员会收到一卷可堆肥袋和一把锁着的收集箱钥匙. The recycling fund covers the cost of the waste disposal. 对于想要在宿舍里实践可持续生活的学生来说,这是一个很好的选择. 校园里有两个收集点:一个在通道和Sokokis大厅之间,另一个在Avila大厅后面的篮球场附近. 要参加该计划,请联系可持续发展办公室,电话:602-2507或